2021, space, time


In high school physics class, I did a paper on the theory of relativity. I didn’t choose the subject. It was a random distribution of topics, and I was lucky enough to get the theory of relativity. I did the research, I typed up the words and wrote sentences and paragraphs, and I prepared and delivered a presentation. Did I understand anything about the theory of relativity? No. I didn’t understand it then. I don’t understand it now.

After our stand-in-front-of-the-class presentations, the teacher asked each student a series of questions. So I read what I’d prepared for my report, and he asked me question #1, which I don’t recall at all. I spoke some words, because I was aware that words were required under such circumstances. But I knew, and he knew, I had almost no real understanding of the subject matter. I finished speaking and looked at him, and he looked at me with something like a blank look on his face. He said, ‘okay’, and there was a pause, and he moved on to the next presentation.

It’s called mercy.


© Etikser. All Rights Reserved.

Not my artwork on the wall. It was mass produced, and I bought it years ago. All other photos and images here are my own. They may not be used elsewhere or reblogged.

Please visit my other blog, Clover & Ivy, https://cloverandivy.wordpress.com.
I post mostly nature photos there.

25 thoughts on “continuum”

  1. I understand this too well. In High School, I (we all) had to pretend to be a radio station personality, our station was an actual record player. I was not comfortable standing in front of the class doing this!

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  2. I had a philosophy teacher…I took the class because it fit my schedule well and met a requirement. It was a level 300 class on Descartes and whatnot, 17th and 18th century. I was so damn lost. I tried. Wrote papers, asked questions, showed up to class. He’d mark the shit out of my papers with red ink then give me a B-. Mercy indeed.

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